How Netflix does A/B Testing
Have you ever wondered why Netflix has such a great streaming experience? Do you want to learn how they completed their homepage plus other UI layout redesigns through A/B testing...

Things you can learn from redesigns
More than 48,000 real estate agents use our customer relationship management (CRM) software to manage their contacts. A good CRM should enhance the value of managing...


Everything you ever wanted to know about WeChat
Do you think WeChat can overtake Facebook and become the dominant mobile platform for the world? You may have already heard of WeChat. If you haven’t, it’s time to learn why it’s such a...

User research: Airbnb for the Chinese market
I talked about how design helps Airbnb’s cross-culture business in my last article. As a Chinese person living in the US, I thought it would be interesting to go further and study the Airbnb...

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